eye candy.
Animation can explain whatever the mind
can dream up, and in ways that are not
possible with other forms of media.
Need a serious explainer for a new service?
A character for a social media campaign?
Want to show off a product that hasn't even been manufactured yet?
We've got you covered.
We really love what we do
and it shows in our work.
eye candy.
Animation can explain whatever the mind can dream up.
If you have a message to tell, we've got you covered.
We really love what we do
and it shows in our work.
ear candy.
Engaging visuals are only part of the equation.
Picking the right voice talent and music, as well as creating engaging sound design is just as important.
We handle voice casting for you and give you our top picks from a series of auditions. From there you can pick your favorite.
In addition to our existing music library, we also offer custom written music tailored specifically to your project.
Then we polish it all off with some punchy sound design to help your message stand out from the crowd.
ear candy.
Engaging visuals are only part of the equation.
We offer voice casting, music licensing, custom music, and custom sound design to help your message stand out.
candy lovers: